consistently shooting left

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consistently shooting left

Post by waukegan_rifle_team »

I have a right handed female shooter. Naturally a very talented shooter. However, her shots are consistently left. I've adjusted her hips to account for natural point of aim, benched her rifle and zeroed it to eliminate equipment error. Trigger control and breath control good too.

help lol :)
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Post by Gerard »

If she's not snatching the trigger consistently or otherwise doing something to move the rifle with every shot, it seems likely she's seeing the sights differently from what you're seeing. Perhaps a vision problem, either yours or hers? Anyway, have you tried letting her sight it in for herself? Or just finding the average distance to the left and clicking the sight to the right the amount theoretically required to compensate and put her back on centre? Easy enough to try that anyway and see if she starts putting her groups on centre.
Tim S
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Post by Tim S »

Has she adjusted the sights for herself?

Just because you zeroed the rearsight when shooting from a bench, does not mean the rearsight is zeroed for somebody else shooting from position.

The rearsight must be adjusted for the individual shooter. Eyes, shape of face, eye relief, and hold all differ from person to person, so it's not really possible to zero a sights for someone else. This is why almost every rifle competition allows for sighter shots.

If this has already been done, and the shooter's groups starts to drift leftwards after her sighters (when the group was centred), then it could be trigger release, body position, or many other things. The shape of the cheekpiece is a common culprit; if it's too thick the shooter won't be able to get their eye square ebhind the rearsight. Another common issue amongst inexperienced shooters, is that they don't centre the group properly on the sighter, often adjusting for single shots rather than the group (which is invariably much larger).
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Post by RobStubbs »

As Tim says, has she adjusted the sights herself ? Once she's sighted in properly do the shots still tend left ?

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Post by batty »

look at the orientation of the shooter on the firing point - it might be that she is off to one side, or needs to move her position on the firing point to adjust. and i'm not referring to natural alignment here

to put it into context - due to me hyperextending my back, if i line my feet up with the centre of the target my shots go to the left, but if i line my rifle up with the centre of the target then all is fine.

it might literally be just a matter of taking a step forward or back a couple of inches

message me if that doesn't make sense
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