Benelli MP90 ?

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Art R
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Benelli MP90 ?

Post by Art R »

Hello All, -- I would appreciate any/all input on a new Benelli MP90S World Cup from those who have, or are, competing with one.. - Grip angle?-looks less the Pardini I tried (Pardini seemed too steep to me). Reliability?- I like the ease of buffer replacement. Any reason a very low scopebase could not be drilled & tapped onto one right in front of the ejection port?
Thanks in advance, Art
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Re: Benelli MP90 ?

Post by Leon »


I have both - Benelli MP90S and a Pardini SP1 Electronic.

The angle of the Benelli grip is not as raked as the Pardini - and it is also slightly adjustable.

Benellis are made to a very high standard of quality, IMHO much better than Pardini, and my MP90S has proved to be 100% reliable - and not ammunition sensitive at all...

Which one do I prefer? I actually really like both....

Also consider a Feinwerkbau AW93 if you are concerned about grip angles - I have one of those as well and I really, really like it ( apart from the fact that it refuses to digest anything except SK Standard Plus ammunition )
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Re: Benelli MP90 ?

Post by -TT- »

Art R wrote:Any reason a very low scopebase could not be drilled & tapped onto one right in front of the ejection port?
It's very challenging to do this on the Benelli. The frame is hardened tool steel and it does not drill nor tap with ease. Also, there is not much material to work with - just a few mm above the barrel, and no more than 4mm on the saddle above the slide (between rear sight and ejection port). You don't want to drill through either location, or it will impact the barrel support (front), or the slide action (rear), so it requires shallow blind holes. It can be done, if you know the right person.

Larry's Guns makes a truly beautiful wraparound rail that fits the gun like a glove, but is on the large and heavy side - about 160g before mounting the optic. It makes the gun rather front-heavy, which does help a lot with recoil, but well, it's rather front-heavy. All in all it leads to good scores though, so consider that.
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Re: Benelli MP90 ?

Post by Ttgoods »

Not great if you want to shoot with a red dot. Otherwise its fine. If you can get one cheap and like shooting iron sights its worth it.

Pardini is worth the price used to be $200 more now its +$800 more and its still worth it.
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Re: Benelli MP90 ?

Post by jmdavis »

I have a Benelli and a Pardini. My Benelli has the builtin mount and it works. But it is tall and pretty much as to be because of the ejection design of the pistol. It is lighter than the Pardini with a different though still good trigger. Mine is actually an MP95 with upgraded trigger and grip. I have had it for several years and as long as it is clean it performs very reliably. Parts can be tricky sometimes so I suggest some commin spares, including a firing pin and extractor on hand. For a newer one you should see if Larry Carter (LGI) has his mounts in stock.

The Pardini will accept lower rings and aftermarket grips to duplicate the angle of the 1911 or something like the Benelli are available. My Pardini is a Nygord model and it is heavy compared to the Benelli or even a 1911. It may be the most accurate pistol that I own but I do not shoot it as well as the Benelli, yet.
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