National Rifle League 2018 week 1 results

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National Rifle League 2018 week 1 results

Post by Peakconti »

National Rifle League/
VT Winter Postal League 2018 Week 1 Results

(518) 534-1730
Welcome to Week One of this Year’s National Rifle League season. Our overall Team Leader this week was Chico California, last year’s champion, with a 1589. They were led by Quade Hutchinson, who fired a 398 in 4-P. Second Place went to Sutter Blue with a 1584 led by Terry Graff, Ryan Oivera and Sophia Flores who all fired a 398 4-p. Third place goes to Albion PA, (two time league champion) with a 1582 led by, Nate Pavolko 399.
This week’s Top shooters are Mark Delcotto from Lexington Kentucky with a 400 in prone (only the second 400 in our league history), Scotty Rocketto, 398, in standing, and Nate Pavolko 399 in 4 position.
Our Top Junior Shooters are Terry Graff S Flores, and Ryan Olivera, with a 398 4-P; Scotty Rockett with a 398 in standing (a new League Record) and Holly Visconti of the Plattsburgh Jr Rough Riders with a 364 prone. Our Top Senior Shooter was Hap Ricardo 398 Prone, and Jason Pratt 394, 4-P.
This year the league again has six divisions, North, East, Saratoga, in The Eastern Conference and South, West and Central in the Western Conference. Each week we will put together an all star team from each division for a division vs. division challenge. We will also do this with the juniors and seniors. At the end of the season we will have a first and second team All-Division Team posted for each Division. Like the last few seasons we will also continue with our Top Shots for each discipline split by conference.
We are once again using our web site for reporting scores. You can go directly to and see all of the individual and team results. Please make every effort to have your team scores sent in on time, as soon as they are fired, by Saturday night at midnight at the latest. I plan to send out next week’s results on Monday.

The web site can break down the individual results in various ways such as by Division, it also includes senior and junior shooters, however this is based on a date of birth, team mangers or individuals need to input these dates of birth for this is be searched in this method.

The league is also on facebook where you can find updates, so look us up, share your team photos, and “like” us. Please share this e-mail with your teammates and fellow shooters.
This document is also attached as a word doc so you can print it. See you all at the range.
Peter Visconti,Esq.
League Director

National Rifle League

Week 1 Team results and Team Standings

1. Chico CA 1589
2. Sutter B CA 1584
3. Albion PA 1582
4. Nashville TN 1579
5. Plattsburgh R NY 1577
6. Sutter G CA 1570
7. Roslyn NY 1561
8. New Holland PA 1558
9. Jamestown NY 1556
10. Barrington NH 1554
11. Whitehall NY 1554
12. Vankleek ON 1547
13. Sutter W CA 1538
14. Burlington VT 1525
15. Hudson Falls NY 1510
16. Amboy OH 1503
17. Capital City WA 1492
18. Plattsburgh A NY 1482
19. SUNY Platt NY 1453
20. Plattsburgh Jrs NY 1450
21. Massina NY 1442
22. Rochester NY 1440
23. Mt. Vernon WA 1408
24. Rotterdam NY 1394
25. Torrington M CT 1362
26. SUNY Platt R NY 1307
27. Vermontville NY 1040
28. SUNY Platt 4 NY 1004
29. SUNY Platt W NY 986
30. SUNY Platt 5 NY 818
31. Alexandria Bay NY 816
32. Chester NH 792
33. Torrington P CT 705
34. E Rochester NY 645

National Rifle League - Division Standings & Results Week 1 2018

Eastern Conference

Northern Division Top Shooter Conf standing
Plattsburgh RR NY 1577 P Visconti 397 -- 1
Vankleek, ON 1547 A Arifovic 389 -- 4
SUNY Platt NY 1453 T Typhair 379 -- 8
Plattsburgh Jrs NY 1451 K Johnstone 384 -- 9
Massena NY 1442 B Berg 377 -- 10
Alexandria Bay NY 816 A Farrell 255 -- 16

Eastern Division Top Shooter Conf Standing
Barrington NH 1554 C Waterhouse/ R Lynn 386-- 2
Burlington VT 1525 S Rockett 398 -- 5
Plattsburgh Aces 1497 N Yakey 380-- 7
SUNY Platt, 4, NY 1004 C Sankar 303-- 14
SUNY Platt 5 NY 818 J Belrose 300-- 15
Chester NH 792 H Hauschel 252 -- 17

Saratoga Division Top Shoote r Conf Standing
Whitehall NY 1554 J Pratt 394-- 2
Hudson Falls NY 1510 R Morris 386 -- 6
Rotterdam NY 1394 M McGill/R Michon 375 -- 11
Torrington P CT 1349 P Cianciolo 363 -- 12
Vermontville, l NY 1040 J Cuntz 371-- 13
Torrington 4 CT 705 P Masucci 324 -- 18

Western Conference

Central Division Top Shooter Conf Standing
Albion PA 1582 N Pavolko 399 -- 3
Jamestown, NY 1556 T Hanson 393 -- 8
Amboy OH 1495 C Johnson 380 -- 10
Rochester NY 1440 A Gross 396 -- 12
E. Rochester NY 645 Miannavola 277 -- 16

Southern Division Top shooter Conf Standing
Nashville TN 1579 H Rocketto 399 -- 4
Roslyn NY 1561 F Greco 395 -- 6
New Holland PA 1558 P Irvin 392 -- 7
SUNY Platt, Red NY 1307 D Gladd 355 -- 13
SUNY Platt White NY 986 C Brosnan 323 -- 15

Western Division Top Shooter Conf Standing
Northern CAL CA 1589 Q Hutchinson 398-- 1
Sutter Blue CA 1584 T Graff/ R Olivera/ S Flores 398 -- 2
Sutter Gold CA 1570 Dawn Mcilwain 398 -- 5
Sutter White CA 1538 M Childers 385 -- 9
Capital City WA 1492 E Boos 393-- 11
Mt Vernon, WA 1294 S Correa 378 -- 14

ALL – Star Match Results 2018 Week 1

Northern Division -------- Eastern Division -------- Saratoga Division
Paul Deslierres 395 ----- Scotty Rockett 398 ----- Jason Pratt 394
Andrew Visconti 394 ----- Carl Waterhouse 386 ----- Lou Pratt 390
Peter Visconti 397 ----- Mario Mathot 393 ----- Robin Morris 386
Amy Visconti 391 ----- Robert Lynn 386 ----- John Hollister 387
1577 ------ John Liska 398 ----------- 1557
------------------------------------------------------------ 1575

Central Division ---------------- Western Division -------------- Southern Division
Nate Pavolko 399 --------- Ryan Olivera 398 -------- Wesley Shumaker 398
Joe Shrader 396 --------- Terry Graff 398 -------- Fred Greco 395
Todd Hansen 393 --------- Dawn Mcilwain 398 ---------- Mark Delcotto 400
Andre Gross 396 --------- Quade Hutchinson 398 ---------- Hap Rocketto 399
Dan Campbell 393 ------------ Sophia Flores 398
Steve Whitney 393
1584(3rd) 1592 (1st) 1592(1st)

Junior All – Stars Week 1

Northern Division----------------------- Eastern Division
Amy Visconti 391 ------------ Scotty Rockett 398
Kyle Johnston 384 ----------- Herrick Hauschel 252
Holly Visconti 364 ---------- Emily Downey 193
Spencer Ashline 350 ----------- William Durant 175
1489 (3rd) 1,018

Central Division ------------------- Western Division
Cam Clarke 380 ----------- Terry Graff 398
Andre Gross 396 ----------- Dawn MCilwain 398
Hailey Bailone 376 ------------ Sophai Flores 398
Marissa Giannavola 277 -------------- Ryan Olivera 398
1576 (1st) 1592 (2nd)

Seniors All-Stars

Western Conference ------------------------- Eastern Conference
Wesley Shumaker 398 --------------------- John Liska 398
Hap Rocketto 399 ---------------------- Lou Pratt 390
Fed Greco 395 --------------------- John Hollister 387
Mike Carter 393 ----------------------- Robin Morris 386
-------------------------------------------------------------- Carl Waterhouse 386
1585 1561

National Rifle League 2018


Western Conference VS Eastern Conference
Four Position
Quade Hutchinson 398 Jason Pratt 394
Nate Pavolko 399 Peter Visconti 397
Terry Graff 398 Andrew Visconti 394
Ryan Olivera 398 Amy Visconti 391
Dawn MCilwain 398
1593 1576

Wesley Shumaker 397 VS Paul Deslierres 395
Hap Rocketto 399 Andrew Visconti 390
Mark Delcotto 400 Peter Visconti 393
Fred Greco 395 John Liska 398
1591 1576

Andre Gross 396 VS Mario Methot 393
Eric Boos 387 Andrew Visconti 371
Cam Clark 380 Stephan Dow 313
Hailey Ballone 376 Scotty Rockett 398
1549 1475

Western Conference 3 Eastern Conference 0

Past League Champions
1975 Covered Bridge 1991 Burlington 2002 Whitehall 2013 Whitehall
1976 Burlington 1992 Burlington 2003 Whitehall 2014 Albion
1977 Covered Bridge 1993 Burlington 2004 Whitehall 2015 Albion
1978 Whitehall 1994 Burlington 2005 Whitehall 2016 Sutter
1979 Whitehall 1995 Fort Ann 2006 Whitehall 2017 Chico
1985 Whitehall 1996 Burlington 2007 Whitehall
1986 Whitehall 1997 Burlington 2008 Whitehall
1987 Burlington 1998 Burlington 2009 Whitehall
1988 Burlington 1999 Fort Ann 2010 Whitehall
1989 Burlington 2000 Whitehall 2011 Whitehall
1990 Burlington 2001 Whitehall 2012 Whitehall
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