Paper scoring at PTO's ???

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Paper scoring at PTO's ???

Post by Leadbelly »

What is the procedure for challenging the scoring of a paper target?
I had an issue at a PTO, where I was scored and 8 and there was no 8 or lower
on the target. When I showed this to the match director, he agreed, but said the time
period for challenge was over.
Can someone explain what I should have done?
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Re: Paper scoring at PTO's ???

Post by Ricardo »

It seems to me like the best approach would be to consult the ISSF rules on the matter and then, in a non-confrontational way, ask the match director for her/his preference on procedure, for future reference.
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Re: Paper scoring at PTO's ???

Post by PCU »

" Scoring Protest Time All scoring or results protests must be submitted within 10 minutes after preliminary results are posted on the Range Scoreboard (Rule 6.4.2 e). The time when the Scoring Protest Time ends must be shown on the Range Scoreboard, when preliminary results are posted. The location to which any score protest must be made must be published on the official program."

Before results are posted you have a challenge period where you can examine the scoring of each individual target: "6.16.3B At USA Shooting sanctioned competitions, competitors may be allowed to touch their targets under supervision during the challenge period."
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