Bulleseye Corvallis Area/PCP Fill Stations

A place to discuss non-discipline specific items, such as mental training, ammo needs, and issues regarding ISSF, USAS, and NRA

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F/V Icy Swan
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Bulleseye Corvallis Area/PCP Fill Stations

Post by F/V Icy Swan »

We will be heading to America from Alaska for the winters starting next fall. We have kid/grand kids in the Corvallis/Albany area. Are there any Bullseye leagues/competitions in that neck of the woods? Also, I also have some PCS rifles/pistols, mostly for 10M shooting. I do have a HPA compressor in Alaska, but likely will go with a carbon fiber tank in America. Any place around Corvallis that fills large tanks to about 4500 psi?


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Re: Bulleseye Corvallis Area/PCP Fill Stations

Post by bking »

There is a Willamette Valley Pistol League that has winter matches generally from November to April. Corvallis has a team (I’m captain of the Portland team.)

Portland Rifle & Pistol Club has indoor 50’ .22 2700 matches During the winter, generally once a month from October or so to April. PRPC also hosts nra sectionals for indoor Precision Pistol, air pistol, standard (international) pistol, and free pistol in February. Portland is about an hour and a half from Corvallis, many shooters from around there show up to our matches.

To get on the lists to hear about these matches email me at prpcpistol@gmail.com

F/V Icy Swan
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Re: Bulleseye Corvallis Area/PCP Fill Stations

Post by F/V Icy Swan »

Ben, that sounds perfect. I will email you for the schedule. Thank you.

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Re: Bulleseye Corvallis Area/PCP Fill Stations

Post by ProdigalSon »

I used to live there! I second the Willamette Valley Pistol League. Good group, has everyone from serious competitors to people just doing it for kicks. I shot in the league for six years, both with Oregon State University’s team and with Albany Rifle and Pistol Club after I graduated.

If you’re in that area, ARPC is a great club. They have a 50/100/200 outdoor range (with lots of lanes), about a dozen outdoor pistol bays ~25 yards, and a 50 foot indoor 22/airgun range. Dues are pretty low for what you get, and it’s big enough I never had an issue finding a lane (indoor range particularly is the best open secret at ARPC that nobody uses).


I can’t speak to 4500psi stations, but the coast is only an hour west so there’s loads of scuba shops that can do 3000psi.
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