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ANSCHUTZ 2002ca stock options for 3 position

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2025 8:46 am
by adv_rider
Hello all -

I was hoping for some info/help on upgrading my Anschutz 2002CA.

Quick summary: I have a 2002CA with a laminate stock. Cheek rest and butt plate are adjustable, but use allen bolts with shims for adjustment. Rifle currently has an Anschutz 4759 butt plate. I use and enjoy this AR a lot and have reached some pretty good 3 position scores (Mid 280s on an AR-5 target for a round of prone/offhand/kneeling). Looking at being a competetive regional league shooter.

Objective: Looking into options where I can get tool-less cheek rest height and LOP. I practice frequently and am tired of swapping shimsin/out with each practice session as I change positions. I would also like the rifle to be ISSF legal.

Options? From my research it looks like I have 3:

1. Get the stock modified to accept and adjustable cheek piece carrier and butt plate carrier. I think the parts required would be: 009279 (x2), 2213-8200, 014803/016653. The parts plus woodworking look ... pricey. Estimating ~450-500 in parts and I honestly don't have a good idea on how much the stock modification work would cost. While I am handy, I only have basic hand tools for woodworking and I am not inclined to attack my stock with what I have.

2. Source a replacement stock. Looking at an old catalog it does appear that a laminate stock option was offered with a 'non shim' cheekpiece and LOP adjustment system, though I'm guessing the odds of finding one are slim. It is also my understanding that the aluminum stocks are no longer ISSF legal, so it seems alum would be a no go.

3. Buy a newer AR with a more adjustable stock designed for 3PAR.

While I'm not married to my 2002CA, it is a real workhorse that I do well with. Anybody been down this path and can offer any tips/considerations - especially for options #1 and #2? Any and all input is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,