Metallic Sights for Smallbore

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Metallic Sights for Smallbore

Post by 37to40X »

Good afternoon everyone. Been shooting anysight with a scope, but want to get some metallic sights Setup also. First, I use a Gehmann 530 on a Highpower match rifle. In addition to the adjustable iris, it has 1.5x magnification with -4.5 to +4.5 correction. Would I be able to use the same Gehmann setup in both CMP and NRA matches for metallic?

Also, I remember someone saying he could see his bullet holes with his irons, what do I need to make this work?

Tim S
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Re: Metallic Sights for Smallbore

Post by Tim S »


Disclaimer I'm a Brit, but a cursory reading of the US NRA Smallbore Rulebook, suggests a 1.5X diopter eyepiece is legal under 3.7a(2) Metallic Corrective sights. Hopefully one of the US members will confirm.

A 1.5X diopter is not legal under ISSF rules. Even the uber expensive non-magnifying Gehmann 50300-0 diopter is not allowed as it has two lenses.

As for seeing bullet holes, I think that's unlikely unless your name is really Clark Kent. If the target was back-lit at the right angle, you might see the glimmer of a one-hole group, but not individual shots. One or two forum members have discussed a goal of holding a bullet hole with any sights, but that's rather different.
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Re: Metallic Sights for Smallbore

Post by 37to40X »

Thanks for reply. I wasn’t sure why the NRA rulebook distinguished between “corrective “ and “noncorrective” sights. I will probably only shoot the prone NRA/CMP matches, so hopefully will be allowed. And yeah, I saw that nonmagnifing one too - seems crazy expensive compared to the one with magnification. I was wanting to get all of this taken care of this Spring And be ready to shoot this year, but COVID has delayed everything, and didn’t get to talk to anyone in person at matches. Didn’t even shoot a single smallbore match this year. 😕
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