Scholastic Action Shooting Program To Include Air Disciplines

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Scholastic Action Shooting Program To Include Air Disciplines

Post by SPPcoach »

Our thousands of youth athletes are getting more opportunity and access to follow the Olympic path.
Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation wrote: Scholastic Action Shooting Program Expands To Include Air Disciplines

The Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) is excited to announce the expansion of International Air Rifle, Air Pistol, and Sport Pistol disciplines to its youth shooting sports program. With these new additions, the SASP continues to pursue its mission of facilitating youth development through shooting sports. As the official youth feeder program for USA Shooting (USAS), SASP will form a SASP international team and continue to host Junior Olympic Development Camps to help identify athletes who have the potential to become USA Shooting National Team members and ultimately, Olympic champions.

“As the youth feeder program for USAS, adding these new international disciplines expands opportunities for youth athletes with dreams of becoming Olympic athletes,” said Rick Leach, SASP National Director. “With these new disciplines, we anticipate working with additional program sponsors that are focused on supporting youth air gun sports. We look forward to working with the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), USAS and other national shooting programs to grow youth shooting sports in the nation.”
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