Old man wants to keep shooting but seeks advise

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Jim E
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Old man wants to keep shooting but seeks advise

Post by Jim E »

At 73, this right-hand AP shooter is not ready to give up having fun. Alas, things do wear out. In this case my right eye is suffering age-related macular degeneration, but the left eye is still 20/20. Accordingly I want to continue being a R/H shooter but learn how to cross-over to use the left eye. Figured this is the place to get some sage advise towards this new approach. Thanks in advance any helpful suggestions.
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Re: Old man wants to keep shooting but seeks advise

Post by Gwhite »

It's doable. The best thing would be to get a set of Rink grips with a 7 degree offset (twist). That allows you to keep your grip pretty much the same, but your sights will line up naturally. They are made specifically for this sort of situation.
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Re: Old man wants to keep shooting but seeks advise

Post by -TT- »

7 degrees will magically redirect the pistol to your other eye, but you can try it without changing grips. Try some putty on the side of the vertical area at the rear left of the grip, where it contacts the bone at the heel of your right hand. That will naturally rotate the pistol in a similar way. The 7-degree grip will be closer to perfect in all dimensions, but you may want to try the idea out, first!

Also, use tape or a flap cut from a milk jug to occlude your right eye. Don't use a patch which darkens its view, that will cause your left iris to dilate in response.
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Re: Old man wants to keep shooting but seeks advise

Post by spektr »

I have afriend who had a traffic accident necessitating a change to shooting left handed.
He made the adjustment and is still shooting well....
Try it.
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Re: Old man wants to keep shooting but seeks advise

Post by nmondal »

Gwhite wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:48 am It's doable. The best thing would be to get a set of Rink grips with a 7 degree offset (twist). That allows you to keep your grip pretty much the same, but your sights will line up naturally. They are made specifically for this sort of situation.
Ditto. I did buy that - and it is improving things.
10 M Air pistol : Walther LP 500 Basic | Earlier Hammerli AP 20 Pro.
Newbie shooting questions : http://targettalk.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=63530
Jim E
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Re: Old man wants to keep shooting but seeks advise

Post by Jim E »

Thanks guys for the help and encouragement. Have ordered the grip from Rink.

Next issue is stance. As a righty I found my best results with the left (rear) foot placed somewhat more acute (~ 60 to 70 degree angle). Using he left eye it seems to feel more comfortable to be more open in the 40 degree or so range. Advise please.
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Re: Old man wants to keep shooting but seeks advise

Post by Gwhite »

Nobody can tell you what your stance should be. It has to work for you, and it will be altered by the head position & grip required to shoot with the other eye. You need to adjust you foot position so the pistol naturally lines up on the target without ANY sideways adjustment with your muscles.
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Re: Old man wants to keep shooting but seeks advise

Post by -TT- »

I agree with gwhite, but I'll also agree that opening your stance will help you. It will reduce tension in your neck, to shift the pistol closer to your new aiming eye. But re-evaluate it when you get the new grip, or any change to the position in your hand. It's all related!
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