Pardini Lifetime Warranty

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Pardini Lifetime Warranty

Post by Brian.Miller76 »

Has anyone had the opportunity to use the Pardini Lifetime warranty? Your thoughts!!
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Re: Pardini Lifetime Warranty

Post by 6string »

I got into Pardini stuff back around 2000. Don Nygord was the importer and service guy. Everything was great!
At that time, the Pardini website in Italy even boasted that they still support every product they have ever made with an extrnsive inventory of spare parts.
I was sold!
That was then…this is now!
Things went downhill when Larry Carter was the service guy and importer. (He’s dead now, so I’ll leave it at that.)

Now we have Pardini USA.
Apparently, they bought all the old spare parts from Italy.
I have been in contact with them on several occasions.
They are totally disinterested in servicing their old guns. Their standard reply to any inquiry I made has been, “That gun has been discontinued for a long time. We don’t have (whatever it is you’re looking for)”.
I love their guns! They’re really great designs, very reliable, and they shoot brilliantly.
But, be aware that after a few years, you’re on your own. Every new gun, sooner or later, becomes a discontinued gun. Your “lifetime warranty” at that point is probably good for a couple more years after that.

Feel free to ask Pardini USA themselves. And, feel free to share my comments here with them.
I’d love to hear their response!!
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Re: Pardini Lifetime Warranty

Post by croesler »

Kind of BS to bang on a great vendor like Pardini USA who supports the shooting sports in every way imaginable. Especially for not carrying parts that went obsolete 20 years ago? Considering Pardini USA (a) is a very helpful dealer, but clearly not the manufacturer, and (b) had no association with the antiquated pistol designs you're complaining about.

The old target guns (including Hammerli) sell at a discount because parts are hard to find or need to be custom machined. This phenomena is known and reflected in pricing. Usually the parts can be found on the forums or made one-off by a decent machinist.

If instead you pay a little more to get a new gun, you'll get great service from Pardini USA. Buy a used gun elsewhere, and they'll still support you however they can. Going above and beyond when they can, helping how they can, really good guys. Expecting that Pardini USA go out and get obsolete parts remanufactured seems a bit unrealistic?
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Re: Pardini Lifetime Warranty

Post by BrazosbyNemo »

I bought a Pardini a few years ago. Though I haven’t needed a part it seems like I read on the Pardini website they still support anything they ever made with parts. That impressed me and was one of the selling points when I made my purchase. If I had a parts problem and Pardini USA was not responsive I would go straight to Pardini. I had to do that with Anschutz once for a 2001 Super Air SSP rifle that had been out of production for 20 years. Anschutz in Germany had all the parts (I was told by all the US dealers could not be had, no longer available) & sent them without paying them until the parts were received and I was satisfied.
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Re: Pardini Lifetime Warranty

Post by gantipas »

Based on my experience with services at Pardini USA, I found them very professional and responsive.
Vladimir and Alex at Pardini USA cleaned and serviced an old Nyrod SP 22.
I bought a new SP 22 from them and Alex immediately exchanged the grip to fit me. Vladimir also adjusted the triggers and explained every step.
Needless to say that I am very happy with the Pardini SP 22. It is a superb piece of engineering.
I recommend and rate the services at Pardini USA as excellent due to the knowledge, dedication and enthusiasm of Vladimir and Alex.
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Re: Pardini Lifetime Warranty

Post by 6string »

I don’t consider what I wrote as “banging on” Pardini. Sorry if someone took it that way.
As I said, I love their guns.
However, “Lifetime warranty” means precisely that. It either is, or it isn’t.
In my experience, it isn’t!
When I inquired, I wasn’t looking for a “lifetime warranty” freebie. I was more than willing to pay for the parts I needed.

Saying, “we continue to support every gun we ever made” is pretty self explanatory.
Dillon Precision and RCBS do it regularly for their reloading tools.

I am glad people have had good experiences with Pardini USA. Thank you for sharing! I have no doubt that their accounts are accurate and truthful.
Likewise, I can tell you that I have spoken to the same people mentioned above. The results for me were very different. And, I was being just as truthful.
The sharing of my experiences is just as valid.
And, I don’t appreciate that being attacked as “BS”!

It’s easy offering “great service” when the gun is new and current.
Need a new grip? Need a trigger adjustment? Fine! But, that’s the easy stuff.
The problem is, just like in the auto industry, it’s a few years down the road when you truly need “great service”, even if it’s just a spare part.

I used to know Rudy Marent, who was the head gunsmith with Hämmerli back in the 1950s & 60s. Back then, Hämmerli service was absolutely second to none! It wasn’t “old fashioned” or just a slogan. Right up to when he passed away, when he was approaching 90 years of age, Rudy could still happily repair or supply parts for guns that had been out of production for a half a century or more. He lived and breathed the company ethos until the day he died.
Maybe, when using the terms “antiquated” and “obsolete”, you should ask yourself, are we talking about a gun design or business ethics?
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