.22 practice ammo and other stuff

A place to discuss non-discipline specific items, such as mental training, ammo needs, and issues regarding ISSF, USAS, and NRA

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R.E. Smalley
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.22 practice ammo and other stuff

Post by R.E. Smalley »


I am new to this forum and I have lots of questions. I am a truck driver now, so it may be a week, or so, before I can check my email again (but it may not!). Thanks in advance for you responses.

I have an IZH-35M. Can I shoot high velocity ammo in it without a problem? I would like to be able to shoot the real cheap stuff for practice.

Should/can I put a set of beafier springs in it before doing this? If so, where can I get them?
(I have heard of frame cracking with High Standards and I do not want to take a chance on problems with my Baikal.)

Does anyone do a trigger job on the IZH-35M? Who/Where? Can anyone do a trigger job on this gun that will not render the grip safety inoperable?

I don't get to shoot much, so I will take what I can get as far as shooting disciplines and matches. What's going on between Pittsburgh and Youngstown, OH? (If replying is going to offend anyone because you may want to mention an off-topic shooting style, such as sillywet, please respond to "Partyrider@pocketmail.com" directly.)

Speaking of High Standards, My father lost the front site on his 7 1/4" fluted model (Trophy or citation, I think, It's got a gold trigger) and can't seem to find a dovetail sight anywhere. He keeps getting a replacement with a reversed blade made to fit a square notch. Can anyone point me in the direction of a reliable parts supply for these? How about someone who knows how to work on them? He's also got a texas Victor that has problems.

Can anyone recommend other BBS forums for target shooting? (I don't get to check my e-mail often, but I get to check it more often than I get to go home.)

Thank you all,
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IZH35M Info

Post by SteveT »

Contact DJ Precision if you need work on your IZH. http://user.mc.net/~drweber/.

I am not sure about HV ammo. Perhaps others can answer, or ask Don at DJ Precision. Aguilla Standard Velocity is cheap and soft. Not as cheap at WalMart bulk packs, but will probably shoot better.
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Post by mikeschroeder »


I practice with Federal Lightnings, and they're standard power. They're also cheap.

Wichita KS
R.E. Smalley
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.22 amoo, etc

Post by R.E. Smalley »

thanks for the replys.

I'll be contacting DJ precision.

I thought about contacting Wolf springs and talking to there techie about getting a stiffer recoil spring, but I gotta talk to a gunsmith first about the other aspects of firing higher velocity stuff, like whether breech face/chamber mouth will get slammed.

Where can I find the Aguila stuff? I just moved back to the Pittsburgh area and I haven't had time to locate the gun show circuit, so I am kinda limited as to where I can purchase. (It's tough when you're on the road all the time - I can't even mail order unless I can get a friend to accept shipment for me). The local gun shops are very small and a little higher priced.

I need to chronograph some Federal lightnings and find out, but I think they are a higher velocity round. I have some old dimple-primer federal 711B (pre-CCI) which are very nice, but I am running out. I have also been shooting CCI standard velocity stuff and remington blue box target because they are available. The 22 long stuff doesn't shoot in my gun.
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Cheap Practice 22 Ammo

Post by BothellBob »

Where do you draw your line for the Cheap Stuff? I don't mind PMC Scoremaster or Winchester T22 Target, either of which can be had for about $15 per brick at the gun shows. Both are standard velocity, that means 1,050 fps, or just a bit short of the speed of sound. Some people where I shoot find these work for them, others have cycling problems, with one or the other, or some other particular load. I find that when I use the higher velocity stuff my scores go down, even with a rest, so maybe there is something to the common tales about the sound barrier.

On the other hand, it's always nice to be able to blame the ammo.

My friend told me to take up golf. He said golf would teach me the lessons of humility. I told him I shot free pistol, so I had all the humility I could stand.
R.E. Smalley
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practice ammo

Post by R.E. Smalley »

I took a DOT physical for a local/regional driving job today, so it looks like I will be home on the weekend very frequently if things work out. That changes things quite a bit, as I now can find the gun shows around Pittsburgh and Youngstown, and maybe Cleveland and Columbus, also. I really need to do that so that I can buy brick qty of several and try them out.

I scope my Win 52 D/E and shoot it off the bags, then try it in the IZH. I have a chrono and I WILL be getting Ransom Rest this year.

I'll also be able to shop via mail order once I get an address established around here, although I hesitate to do so from the 'net because a friend just had her identity stolen purchasing from a secure server.

I would gladly try T22 or the PMC scoremaster for that price. I have been paying 5-6.00/100 for CCI std velocity at the local gun shops. I can buy much better than that for the same price at the gun shows.

Thanks again.
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Re: practice ammo

Post by sbow »

R.E. Smalley wrote:I have been paying 5-6.00/100 for CCI std velocity at the local gun shops. I can buy much better than that for the same price at the gun shows.
You might look for gun-show prices on the CCI as well. In the Dallas area, I have been able to buy CCI SV for $70.00 (tax inclded) per 2,000 rounds at the shows. My Pardini SP groups very well with the CCI, but the long O.A.L. causes some feeding problems, so I have recently switched to Aguila SV, which is short enough to function well and on which I can also get some reasonable prices (around 2/3 the price of the CCI), both at shows and online. Unfortunately, it does not group as well in my gun.
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