New Shooting magazine?

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Joacim Trybom

New Shooting magazine?

Post by Joacim Trybom »

We are currently working on an idea for a new shooting magazine that will cover smallbore and air rifle shooting in the US and we would like some feedback and ideas. Our plan is 75% done and the main points are:
  • • Air Rifle (Precision (3-P and International) and Sporter)
    • Smallbore (50ft, NRA and International)
    • Stories from different major matches both national and international
    • Classified Section
    • Invitations
    • Scores
    • Areas about training, work outs, nutrition, mental and equipment
The current plan is to start with a 32 page format and then increase it if we get enough information to fill it up and depending on the number of people that would subscribe. The subscription fee would be $5 for a year and we will have a special for clubs with $10 for 5 copies for a year with each additional copy $1. The subscription fee will cover the shipping costs while we will cover the cost of printing by selling advertising.

We will initially start with 5 issues per year with the first issue in September covering the national championships this summer (Camp Perry, Ft. Benning, Pocatello, and Kentucky) and some pictures and stories from the Olympics.

We would have 2-3 pages open for other matches that we would welcome shooters to send in.

The main idea behind the magazine would be to have an independent magazine that would cover the sport without any limitations to who is organizing the shooting. Everyone will volunteer the time to keep the costs down. It will be targeted to both younger and older shooters with the intention to spread the word about the sport and to be an inspiration for up and coming shooters.

The intention is not to be a substitute for any of the existing magazines, but rather a niche magazine with in depth coverage of a very narrow part of the competitive shooting world.

What do you think?
Would you be interested in contributing with stories, pictures and scores?
Would you subscribe? (We would need 250 subscribers to start with to make it worthwhile)

Please give us some good feedback with both pros and cons so we can use it to make the final decision if we will get the ball rolling with the first issue or if we should change the plan or put it on ice.


Joacim Trybom
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Airgun magazine

Post by Bill177 »

I think this is a fine idea and would certainly subscribe. At the present time, Addictive Airgunning - an e-zine, is the only USA/Canada airgun publication available.

You can find out more about Addictive Airgunning at Be forewarned, however, that the publication recently went from monthly to quarterly. It is very good and containes considerable airgun information - but, not much for target shooters.

The latter point being the most important. There is very little available for target shooters in the form of publications.

Good luck with your idea - I sincerely wish you great success. I think this is a fine idea and would certainly subscribe.
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Sign Me Up!

Post by smhagger »

I think the idea is great! I would subscribe as well.

A couple more ideas: 1. Have a section column dedicated to some of the "level II" clubs around the country that have monthly 10m or smallbore matches. This would allow each club to be featured as an "issue premier" and would aid in encouraging people in the region who may not know that a club is present in their area to come out and shoot. These clubs "level II" would be the smaller grassroots clubs.

2. Perhaps add a section in the magazine dedicated to Air Rifle Field target competitions. This will definitely add a bunch of people to the subscription list, if there is enough quality coverage on their sport (clubs, matches, interviews with key people, etc.). I know that Field Target is at least as big of an event (if not bigger) than the monthly 10m Air rifle matches at the club I shoot at. My only concern is that, with field target's popularity growing, that it would overrun the intended purpose of the magazine being aimed at ISSF shooting (10m AR, 50m kk, etc).

Just some thoughts to consider; I look forward to subscribing.


Shooting Magazine

Post by Paula »

We will be happy to contribute stories, photos and scores.
U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit
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Post by pdeal »

I think Sign me up! Sounds like a great idea.
Jay V
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Re: Sign Me Up!

Post by Jay V »

smhagger wrote:(snip)
A couple more ideas: 1. Have a section column dedicated to some of the "level II" clubs around the country that have monthly 10m or smallbore matches. This would allow each club to be featured as an "issue premier" and would aid in encouraging people in the region who may not know that a club is present in their area to come out and shoot. These clubs "level II" would be the smaller grassroots clubs. (snip)

Or just a "Club Directory" by state for starters.

I'll take the "club package" for $10. Do you want the money now?

Please post who you want the payment made to, and where it should be sent.

Jay V


Post by Don »

Joachim: You know I want to be one of the first to get this publication. I am always wanting to know what is going on and I want to keep up with who is doing what and to whom, or something like that.
Put me on the list.
Don in Beaverton
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Add Air Pistol / Free Pistol and I will subscribe

Post by SteveT »

I am very interested in such a mag, but I am more interested in pistol shooting. I would love to see it expanded to include pistol shooting (Air, Free, Standard, even NRA Bullseye).

I would definitely subscribe if it included pistol. I might subscribe if it is rifle only.

Steve T (IL)
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Post by 1813benny »

I am definately interested in a subscription.

In addition, you might want to include some additional sections, maybe a "Coaches' Corner" and enlist some National and Collegiate level coaches to contribute on a wide variety of topics.

Another section may be a profile of different collegiate shooting programs, and not those only of the NCAA Division I level. For every school at that level, there is a dozen or more that have shooting as a club sport. They are as important in keeping our sport alive as those at the higher levels.

As for contributing articles, I would also be interested in lending a hand.
-Ken Benyo
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Post by VmanPa »

sounds good, i will get the magazine!! hope u might include Conventional SB Prone with 100Y shooting. the format B&W or color? color can be somewhat pricey with small quantities.
Joacim Trybom


Post by Joacim Trybom »


Looking through the posts - here are some clarifications:

It will be a B/W magazine as it wouldn't be feasible to do color without significant subscription fees and it's more of a hassle than it's worth.

If you would like to subscribe please send a check to

Joacim Trybom
PO Box 1038
Oregon City, OR 97045

Please make sure to include your mailing address.

We have 4-5 pages in the first issue reserved for something like a coaches corner. I will probably write the first issue but we will invite top coaches to write different articles in the different issues.

We will include all smallbore and air rifle shooting that is similar to Olympic style shooting - so it will include sporter, precision, conventional smallbore, international smallbore etc. If you have anything else youw would like to include just send me an email and we can discuss it.
My email is first name at last name dot com (I don't like spam... :) )

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Post by VladB »


Do you take PayPal? I think you'll get much more subscriptions with the online payment option.

Post by chang »

Hi! Joacim...I am so glad that you have a good health,because you not update I think you must have a problem. About your concept, it great but I can't read it.

Think about you

Wechayan Changraksa

Target Talk ::

Post by 40EZXS »

Yes let's go with it..


Post by BSB »

Will subscribe! Will submit! I think the classifieds would be great, I am currently looking for used 3 position equip.
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Sounds great!

Post by Bill »

I am definitely interested... not because we don't already have a few great publications by our NGBs, but we need as much media and support as possible for the little game we play.

Count me in.


Mag subscricion

Post by guest »


Please me one & add to my balance. thanks

Amador Mascarina

Re: Mag subscricion

Post by guest »

guest wrote:Sir

Please send me one
Amador Mascarina
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Post by sharpshooter »

I'll have to talk with my club president about it, I don't think it would do much good for only one person on my team to read it...

sign me up

Post by garmanwd »

Sounds like a great idea let me know where to sign up...
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