Air Rifle Targets

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Bill Poole
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Air Rifle Targets

Post by Bill Poole »

I have some older 1989 AR5/1 single bull air rifle targets, they are about 6" square, big enough to fit in the electric and hand-cranked target carriers.

I recently bought some AR5/1 from Alco, they are about 4" square, too small to fit in the target holder clips on the target carrier.

the NICE Edellmann's are similarly small, and it appears from National Target's website, those too are small.

I need to order a BUNCH, like a year's supply, for the upcoming monthly PTO's we'll be having at Ben Avery, what is a good source for big ones?.

our AR shooters have balked at AR5/5 (5 bull) targets becuz they don't want to shift NPA between shots.


Roy McClain

Target Options

Post by Roy McClain »


Let me get this straight... They want single bull Rifle targets that they have to change every shot (Run a cable down a pulley with each single AR 5/1 target) and they are worried about changing NPA? I must have missed something there.

I have some of the Target rolls on the little (I bought them from Bob Foth) PVC holders (like NRA used at Pocotello Idaho for 3P) with a motor to advance the roll to the next target, and like them fine for finals. We use the AR 5/10 12 bull, for most of our club Matches but we go to PTOs at Ft Benning. My folks seem to shoot lots of 10s on the AR 5/10, and the score for Finals isn't much different either. I think it's a case of what they believe, is more important than just shooting the match.

Have you tried making a holder out of target paper to hold the smaller 5/1s? I hear that's the way they do it at the OTC.

Good Luck.

Roy McClain
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Post by pdeal »

The edelmanns work in the target carriers where we shoot but are marginal. What lots of people do is to put them in diagonally and this seems to work pretty well. The edelmanns are a lot more pleasant to score too.
Bob Foth
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Post by Bob Foth »

Try making some "holders" out of heavy paper or manila folders.
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