Long soft case for rifle

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Long soft case for rifle

Post by Paul »

I now have a longer bloop tube on my free rifle. If I had a very long soft case (my rifle is now over 54'') I would not have to remove the tube everytime I go to the range. Do you have any suggestions ?

I looked at the AHG website but they don't mention the length of their ''Pick-up'' case. Somebody has this info ?

http://ahg.anschuetz-sport.com/english. ... icleID=316

Thanks in advance,


Post by Sbarn »

Paul I would just recommend taking the tube off every time. You run the risk of damaging it with it on the gun with the extra leverage and what not. No sense in ruining something when it can be avoided right?
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Post by xcrunner8k »

the picture shown of the pick-up case has an anschutz 2002 strapped in it, with an inch or two to spare for length... the 2002 is only 43" long, so i don't think your gun would fit inside...

i dunno, i might have to agree with sbarn. how is your tube mounted? is it a one or two piece? if it's a two-piece you can just leave the mount on the gun and take the tube off. i think the point you're trying to make is that when you take the tube off you completely lose your sight adjustments? because that would certainly be something you want to avoid.

in any case (pun intended) they do make hard cases that are 54"... you'll probably have to take the butt plate off or at least the hook but it'll prob work. ok well i did a search and didn't come up with many sites but there were a lot of ebay auctions, some for a reasonable price.
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