Canting Air rifle, Good/Bad?

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Canting Air rifle, Good/Bad?

Post by Cutman »

Hi, I have been shooting sporter for 3 years and have began with presicion.

I have a Anshutz 8002 wood stock and I found that the only way I can hold the rifle cumfortuble in standing is by rising my sights with an inch and canting my rifle aprox. 10 degrees to my face. Is this good or bad?

Will sacrificing cumfort to a certain extend be better or not.

Thank you.

Post by WRC »

Cant is tried & true method of getting the sights to your eye without holding your head unnaturally. The only warning is to cant it the same way from shot to shot!
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Post by GaryN »

I shoot mine canted.

As was mentioned, the key is to cant it by the SAME AMOUNT EACH TIME. Easier said than done, since you are not supposed to use a level on the front sight. But if you use a front sight insert with a cross bar, you can use the cross bar as a reference and try to hold it at a consistant angle.

The only other option is a sight riser block that mounts the sights offset to the side. I think Anschutz makes it.
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Post by peepsight »

The Anschutz 8002 should be fitted with the Anschutz tunnel foresight that incorperates internal level bars. These are allowed.

The level bars can be adjusted to suit your angle of cant.

Spend a bit more time adjusting the cheek piece and use sight raiser blocks to achieve a good head position behind the back sight.

I would only off set the sights as a last resort. In the book Ways Of The Rifle they do not see the point of off setting the sights stating that a good position can be achieved by other means.

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Post by JeroenH »

When cant gives you a better position, DO IT! Yes, you need to have the same cant angle every time, but that's equally true when you shoot uncanted. In the latter case, always try to keep the angle 0 degr. In your case, always try to keep the angle 10 degr.

Yes, you can use level bars and so on. But for air rifle, checking cant angle does not not have to have top priority in your routine. You can vary cant angle by about + or - 8 degrees before you turn a 10.9 into a 9.9. That much cant angle variation won't occur spontaneously, I would say. There's hundreds of other, more plausible errors you can make to turn that 10 into a 9...

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Post by Rutty »

If you can get a session with a RIKA dry trainer you may find it useful. The RIKA has a readout of cant angle throughout the shot. This may serve to set your mind at rest that you are canting consistently or indicate the need for a refinement of technique.

I think that RIKA is the only system with this feature; I know that SCATT does not have it; unless anyone knows different?

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