Need help choosing Starik tube

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Need help choosing Starik tube

Post by Atanasius »

Hi everyone,
I need help choosing the right length Starik carbon tube. I shoot prone position only, at 50 m and 100 yards. My rifle is Anschutz 1907. Barrel length is 66 cm (660 mm) and muzzle diameter is 23.75 mm. I’m not sure what length I need, short or long one.
Please educate me!
Thank you for your help!
Tim S
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Re: Need help choosing Starik tube

Post by Tim S »

Prone is the most stable position, and the most tolerant of extra weight (not that the Starik tube is super heavy, but it's not made of air), and I see more 12in tubes than 6in (excepting factory tubes which tend to be 4-6in). Remember you don't have to place the foresight right at the end of the tube; Guy Starik builds builds long dovetail onto his tubes, so you could place the foresight at 6in, or 7in, 8in 8.5in etc. Caveat I use a 6in tube as 12in tubes just don't balance for me, but I'm considering a 12in Starik (if Guy bored the collar below 22mm!)

If you don't already use one, I'd suggest the larger 22mm foresight tunnel. I think these give a better proportion with the extended sight radius.

Whatever length tube you get, you will need a larger foresight aperture. I went from about a 4.1mm to 4.8mm with a 6in tube, and 5.7mm with a 12in tube. I took my existing sightbase/aperture and scaled it up. If you plan on experimenting with moving the foresight tunnel on the tube, an iris foresight would save a lot of screwing out/in single elements.
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Re: Need help choosing Starik tube

Post by Atanasius »

Thank you Tim S! You gave me answers to the questions I asked myself, but didn’t know that answers. Appreciate it!
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Re: Need help choosing Starik tube

Post by Bryan996 »

Everything Tim has said is correct, as always.

The only points I would add are 1) how old are you and 2) how tight is your hold?

The reason I ask about your age is that older shooters tend to use longer tubes as their eyes loose the ability to accommodate close focus. I'm in my mid 40's and use the smaller starik tube. It gives me the advantage of being able to tune the barrel without pushing the foresight too far out. Even with a short tube you'll probably need to budget for a 22mm foresight and iris. I use a Gehmann one (sorry cant remember which) and I'm at the maximum size already to get a sight picture I'm happy with.

On your hold, extending the foresight will magnify movement in your hold. That's actually quite a good thing as it shows where you can improve. The problem is that if you're new to sight extension tubes you can then freeze on the trigger at this new sudden movement. Obviously a longer tube will be worse for this than shorter one, but as Tim says you don't need to use all the length. That then brings a new problem that as you move the sight down the tube you'll fight to keep a sight picture that you're happy with regarding ring size and thickness. For example I didn't like the perceived reduction in ring thickness as I moved the foresight further out.
Posts: 38
Joined: Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:46 pm

Re: Need help choosing Starik tube

Post by Atanasius »

Thank you Bryan996!
Unfortunately I’m 53. I agree with what you said. I think, I’ll go with the long one. And as Tim said, I can always slide back the front sight.
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