First Shoot Questions From an Archer

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First Shoot Questions From an Archer

Post by jsleshem »

Hi all. I have my first shoot coming up! I've held an air pistol ~5 times, and scored a round once. My background is in archery, so I'm no stranger to competition shooting. But this air pistol (and guns in general) thing is new to me.

I've done some digging around online, and gotten a lot of the cliches such as:
  • Don't care about your score
  • Focus on your shot
  • Reinforce good behavior, forget the bad
  • Etc.
These all apply to archery as well, but are all pretty generic. So my questions are twofold:
  1. What are your tips & tricks that not everyone knows?
  2. For my other Olympic Recurve archers out there, what should I key in on to do as I would at an archery shoot?
I look forward to hearing your answers, and seeing you all on the shooting line at the Winter Airgun Classic. Good luck out there!
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Re: First Shoot Questions From an Archer

Post by atomicgale »

jsleshem wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2024 4:35 pm . . . what should I key in on to do as I would at an archery shoot?
Tip One: Bring a gun, instead of a bow & arrow.

Hope this helps! Good luck! Might see you & Pirate there!

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Re: First Shoot Questions From an Archer

Post by PirateJohn »

atomicgale wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2024 5:32 pm Tip One: Bring a gun, instead of a bow & arrow.
What are you, some kind of conformist?
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Re: First Shoot Questions From an Archer

Post by atomicgale »


1. Success at OTC (Olympic Training Center): LIGHTING
First, lighting ranked Best to Worse at four main venues:
a. Camp Perry: Exceptional - best lighting anywhere
b. Fort Benning: Very Good ( Ft. Benning newly renamed "Fort Snowflake")
c. CMP-South: Good - overhead florescent - new targets are "back-light" for lack of better description
d. OTC - A bit of "shadow" - trying to remember if target appears like a regular paper target

2. Don't Get DQ'd at OTC
Safety: At CMP-Anniston - they SPECIFICALLY instruct a "safe" direction for muzzle is "Up!"
However: At OTC - Marc will DQ you for Muzzle-Up. Reason: There are exposed overhead long florescent lights that could take a pellet. Noting: The 10-meter air "range" is actually the width of the 50-meter smallbore rifle range. These long florescents shine downrange for the rifle shooters, but are directly exposed to the air shooters. Thus, see #1 Lighting above.

3. Don't Get DQ'd at OTC - redux
Equipment Control: Make sure your pistol will pass. Mainly: a. trigger weight, b. can you grip it without touching wrist, and c. will it fit in "The Box."
Here, I showed up one year with my patented and world-famous "Golden Grip" - only that my Devcon titanium palm-swell kept the "The Box" from closing. Thusly, I got to scavenge a pocket-knife out of the lost & found, and sit there and scape it to width, while everyone else laughed at me.
(I'm used to this by now - I've accumulated a veritable PANTHEON of KNOWLEDGE of WHAT NOT TO DO!)

4. Don't get DQ'd at OTC - Part III
You'll be shooting off the plywood wooden boxes. Noteworthy: The Height of your table will be 36" - thus, your pistol case may take your height above 1.00 meters - Marc almost DQ'd me my first year there for similar infraction using a bean bag. [ Overall dimension there: 18"x18"x36" ]
Side note: The height of the narrow metal "swing-out" tables at both CMPs is 31 3/8" inches - so Conclusion: If you're used to a certain height, prep yourself for a start position at 36".
(Tip 4A: Some people use a 'guitar foot stool' as a support. Link: ... r=8-2&th=1

5. Don't get DQ'd . . . you get the pattern . . . .
DON'T!!!: Set your pistol down WITH the action closed. Even if you're still standing there. It's a DQ. Obviously, flag the chamber if you walk away. Signal a Range Officer first, if you need to leave the line (there will be RED and Yellow lines there). But if you're not actually holding the pistol; open that action!

6. Don't get SEASICK at OTC !!! I'm serious! The Second Floor range BOUNCES!!!
It's NOT the 6,000 ft altitude; you don't have altitude sickness. Noting above, that the second floor also spans 50 meters for the rifle range - the floor LITERALLY Bounces!!! You can feel it; no doubt about it. As a new athlete, they'll stick you up there day one. It will be especially bad on PET day - you have everyone running around & the floor feels like a trampoline. If you didn't get a "Heads-Up" on this - you'd think you were dizzy or off-balance for some unexplained reason.
( Tip 5a: Pirate can't use "Coriolis Effect" as excuse when he shoots 60-straight shots ALL in the 9.6-9.9 range, with NO TENS! )

7. If Marc doesn't DQ you; Don't get arrested by TSA at C-Springs Airport!
ONLY at C-Springs do TSA agents get extra FACISM-Training, in lieu of "Tactical Searches while Respecting Gender Equality" [ T-SeReGee Training ].
If they still have NURSE RATCHET there - this psychotic woman tried to strip-search me, then tore my pistol case apart, then chemically tested my entire AIR pistol for nuclear weapons . . . but completely ignored my carry-on bag that was CLEARLY Labeled "100 kilos of Colorado Dispensary Stuff."
Seriously, they are nut-jobs on your way out of C-Springs . . .
. . . by golly - I hope Nurse Ratchet was a woman ?????

Hope this helps!
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Re: First Shoot Questions From an Archer

Post by jsleshem »

This is all great, thank you for sharing. Thankfully I am driving into Camp Perry - so a couple of these points don't apply. But they will be helpful for when I eventually go out west!
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